Child Custody & COVID-19

Child Custody & COVID-19

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is affecting and impacting all of our daily lives in ways we never could have imagined.   It is imperative that we, as a society and as a community, work together to help #flattenthecurve.

It is important to remember that I am a licensed attorney in California.  This post is intended to be informative only, and not legal advice.  I highly recommend you check the laws in your state, read your specific order, and/or contact a licensed family attorney in your area for answers to questions about your specific matter.

Because this is an unprecedented time, many of you co-parenting children probably have a million questions.  I’m going to try and answer a few today.  I would invite you to send me a message on FaceBook if you have a question not answered in this post.

Be cooperative!  Right now everyone is stressed to some degree.  This includes your children.  Remember that using this time as an opportunity to cooperatively co-parent and to show your children that both of their parents will step up and work together to help set their fears at ease. 

This is not the time to take advantage of the other parent. 

First and foremost, when in doubt, follow your court order!

Remember that court orders are still orders even now.  If you fail to comply with a court order you open yourself up to a contempt finding and potentially sanctions and having to pay the other parent’s attorneys fees.  Not to mention the added stress on your child of increasing conflict during this uncertain time.   

What if I, my child, or my child’s other parent get sick and are subject to quarantine requirements?

This is honestly the best time to practice empathy and to be flexible. 

If you are healthy, now is a good time to think about what will happen if you, your child, or your child’s other parent get COVID-19 (or another illness) and are required to self-quarantine. 

First review, your existing court order to determine if it addresses what generally happens if one or both of the parents are sick and unable to care for the child.

It’s vitally important to keep in mind that we are in unprecedented waters here, and even if your order does address sickness, it is a good idea to reach out to your child’s other parent (either directly, or through your attorneys) to make sure that you and the other parent are on the same page, and have a plan in place, in the event anyone gets sick or is required to quarantine. 

If you do not have a court order, or your order does not cover what happens if one or both parents are unable to care for their child, it is even more important for you to reach out to the other parent and come up with a plan before it is needed. 

Make sure to put any plan in writing! 

Even if you make a plan with your co-parent about how to navigate this pandemic, follow it up with an email or text.  You simply need to put in writing your understanding of the plan.  This helps to clarify any confusions immediately.

Don’t forget to communicate with your co-parent about how you will both respond if your child(ren) get sick.  Include who would stay home with the child in the event of sickness and quarantined.  Would you continue to follow the regular parenting schedule (which could potentially expose both parents) even if your child is sick?

What about school closures…

Most schools have been closed down for at least the next three weeks, and Governor Newsom has stated that it is very likely that our children will not be returning to school until the fall!

Children are going to have to be homeschooled.  This is very likely going to have an impact on custody agreements.   Remember to co-parent with compassion so that both parents can use this extra time with your child(ren) to best help your child. 

Keep the lines of communication open.  Present a united front to your children about the importance them getting all their schoolwork done.  Share school assignments, progress, and all school related websites openly with your co-parent. 

What if we need to temporarily change our parenting time plan?

Any changes to a current order, or changes to the status quo if you have no order, should be in writing.  Making sure any changes are in writing can help to prevent conflicts or confusion about changes down the road. 

What if my co-parent won’t communicate with me?

If you and your co-parent have difficult communicating even in non-stressful times, it is probably even more imperative that you attempt to get any plans, or change of parenting time agreements in writing. 

If you and your co-parent have attorneys, it might be a good idea to have any agreement negotiated and drafted through your attorneys. 

Communication is key! 

Hopefully by keeping the lines of communication open you and your co-parent can reduce or eliminate unnecessary conflict during what is already a very stressful time for everyone. 

Stay safe. 

Ordered to attend mediation?

Ordered to attend mediation?

If you are going through a child custody dispute, you have very likely been ordered to attend mediation.  What happens as a result of that mediation depends on which California county you are in, and whether your county is a recommending county or a non-recommending county.

In a recommending county (Sonoma County for example): parties attend mediation in an attempt to come to an agreement.  If no agreement is made, then the mediator writes up a recommendation report.  Both parties as well as the judge receive a copy of this report.  The judge relies on the recommendation report, because the mediator has spent more time with the parties than the judge has.  

In a non-recommending county (Mendocino County for example): parties attend mediation in an attempt to come to an agreement.  If the parties reach an agreement, the mediator drafts the agreement and submits it to the court.  If no agreement is reached then the parties will return to court at a later date for further hearings.

It’s important to check the rules in your specific county.  

If you have questions about your child custody dispute, call me today to schedule an initial phone consultation.  (707) 532-5789.

Half off initial consultations!

Half off initial consultations!

If you find yourself in need of a divorce or family law attorney, I’m offering half off initial phone consultations right now.

The holiday season can amazing, but it can also be difficult for many.  However, it can be even more difficult if you are going through marital struggles.  If you are thinking about different options (including divorce), or if you are concerned about child custody issues, please contact me to set up an initial phone consultation.

What is an initial consultation?

Phone consultations are a great way for you to decide whether you want to proceed through the legal system.  They are a great way to get your questions answered, and to find out if we are a good fit.  I will explain how my law practice works, and answer any questions you have.  I will give my advice based upon the information you provide.  Then you can decide how or if you want to move forward.

How it works:

I do all my consultations over the phone.  You fill out & return a couple of electronic forms (plus send me any other documents you want me to see) and pay online in advance (I will never ask you for any financial information) using my secure processing service.  I will call you at our scheduled appointment time.  Then the hour is yours to ask as many questions as you like!

Call me today! 

Click here for all my contact information, or right click on the image below and save it to your phone!

My electronic business card. Just right click and save!

Episode 6 – Custody & Parenting Plans

Episode 6 – Custody & Parenting Plans

Welcome to Coffee Breaks with Beki!  Every week during my coffee break, I create a weekly video to provide you with some helpful family law advice or tips.  I also answer questions that are sent in to me!  (All questions will remain anonymous!) This week, I’m discussing custody, legal and physical.  I’m also talking about parenting plans; what they are and why they are important. So grab a cup of coffee and enjoy this week’s episode! If you have a question about family law or a topic you would like me to talk about on a future episode, send it my way!  I promise to keep everything anonymous! Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss a single episode!  If you liked today’s episode, I’d love if you could give it a thumbs up and leave a comment below the video! You can find also find me on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! May your both your coffee and your happiness be bold and strong! Until next week,

Please read the Disclaimer below:

*This video recording is for educational purposes only and should NOT be considered as legal advice. Viewing this video does NOT create an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship will only be formed when you have signed an engagement agreement with me, Beki Abraham. I cannot guarantee results, and any past results discussed in these episodes do not constitute a guarantee of future results. Please consult with a licensed attorney to get information that is specific to your case.
Episode 5 – 3 simple tips to help you during your child custody case

Episode 5 – 3 simple tips to help you during your child custody case

Welcome to another episode of Coffee Breaks with Beki!  My schedule got crazy last week, so I wasn’t able to get this episode filmed and posted last week like I’d planned.  But, busy is not a bad problem for me to have! 🙂 This week, I’m giving you 3 simple things you can do (or not do) during your child custody case that will be greatly beneficial! So grab your coffee, and find out what those simple things are!  Everyone wants their custody matter to be a bit easier, right? If you have a question about family law or a topic you would like me to talk about, send me your questions/ideas and I will include them on an upcoming episode!  I promise to keep everything anonymous! Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss a single episode!  If you liked today’s episode, I’d love if you could give it a thumbs up and leave a comment below the video! You can find also find me on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! May your both your coffee and your happiness be bold and strong! Until next week,

Please read the Disclaimer below:

*This video recording is for educational purposes only and should NOT be considered as legal advice. Viewing this video does NOT create an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship will only be formed when you have signed an engagement agreement with me, Beki Abraham. I cannot guarantee results, and any past results discussed in these episodes do not constitute a guarantee of future results. Please consult with a licensed attorney to get information that is specific to your case.
Episode 3 – Can a child have a say in where they live?

Episode 3 – Can a child have a say in where they live?

Welcome to the 3rd episode of Coffee Breaks with Beki!  This is a weekly feature where I answer your family law related questions over our coffee break. In this week’s episode, I’m talking about whether a child’s preference on where they want to live is factored in to a custody arrangement, and if a judge will even hear what the child’s preference is. If you have questions about family law, send them to me and I will answer them on an upcoming episode! Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss a single episode!  If you liked today’s episode, I’d love if you could give it a thumbs up and leave a comment below the video! You can find also find me on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! May your both your coffee and your happiness be bold and strong! Until next week,

Please read the Disclaimer below:

*This video recording is for educational purposes only and should NOT be considered as legal advice. Viewing this video does NOT create an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship will only be formed when you have signed an engagement agreement with me, Beki Abraham. I cannot guarantee results, and any past results discussed in these episodes do not constitute a guarantee of future results. Please consult with a licensed attorney to get information that is specific to your case.
Coffee Breaks with Beki

Episode 2 – Courtroom Etiquette

Welcome to the 2nd episode of Coffee Breaks with Beki! This week, we’re talking about courtroom etiquette. It’s important that you are aware of some aspects of being in a courtroom during your family law case. I talk about why the courtroom is a place to practice respect.  I also cover what to wear (& what NOT to wear!), as well as tips on how you can be prepared for being in court. If you have questions about family law, send them to me and I will answer them on an upcoming episode! Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss a single episode!  If you liked today’s episode, I’d love if you could give it a thumbs up and leave a comment below the video! You can find also find me on FacebookInstagram and Twitter! May your both your coffee and your happiness be bold and strong! Until next week,

Please read the Disclaimer below:

*This video recording is for educational purposes only and should NOT be considered as legal advice. Viewing this video does NOT create an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship will only be formed when you have signed an engagement agreement with me, Beki Abraham. I cannot guarantee results, and any past results discussed in these episodes do not constitute a guarantee of future results. Please consult with a licensed attorney to get information that is specific to your case.
Coffee Breaks with Beki

Episode 1 – Introduction

Welcome to my first episode of Coffee Breaks with Beki!  In each episode, I will answer your family law related questions while we enjoy a delicious cup of coffee! In this first episode, I introduce myself and talk about what you can expect from future episodes!  So grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the show! Next week, I will be answering your questions about being in the courtroom!  So send me your questions! Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss a single episode!  If you liked today’s episode, I’d love if you could give it a thumbs up and leave a comment below the video! You can find also find me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! Until next week!  May your coffee and your happiness be bold and strong!

Please read the Disclaimer below:

*This video recording is for educational purposes only and should NOT be considered as legal advice. Viewing this video does NOT create an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship will only be formed when you have signed an engagement agreement with me, Beki Abraham. I cannot guarantee results, and any past results discussed in these episodes do not constitute a guarantee of future results. Please consult with a licensed attorney to get information that is specific to your case.